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Comitas AG has always been deeply committed to being a responsible citizen of the world. We go beyond our business to enrich the community by giving back in our own ways. We constantly partner with charitable associations and foundations to make a small difference in the world. We support several educational, health and sustainable livelihood programs in the African region.

Development Assistance Our contribution to a better world

Social commitment also plays a major role at Comitas. In this way, we want to improve the living conditions of people in disadvantaged regions. Increasing equal opportunities has a high social relevance for us.

Brick for Kimilili: Support for a project in Kenya

Teaching in simple classrooms made of corrugated iron is part of everyday life for many children in Kenya. The "Brick for Kimilili" project, organized by students of the University of St. Gallen, helps to replace the corrugated iron with masonry. Comitas AG supports this initiative and thereby contributes to a better future for the students of the country.

Evista Projekt Mozambik

There is no proper health system in Mozambique. People come from poor, basic circumstances and are unable to pay for their basic or medical care. Once a week at Vilanculos gathering places, they receive food donations in the form of dry bread / rolls, a sweets and a minimum amount of money that is far from sufficient for subsistence. The old people are under-supplied in every way.


Comitas AG is supporting the Mozambique Project VIVA to build a nursing and care facility for the elderly in Vilanculos, Mozambique. The goal is that the facility can be handed over to local staff after an appropriate training and induction phase (teaching and knowledge transfer). With our contribution, we enable the construction of a care hut.

The Evista Foundation is a charitable foundation under Swiss law, which was newly founded in December 2016. Evista is subordinate to the federal foundation supervision. Detailed information about the project and the Evista Foundation can be found at


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